Understanding the Laws of Success

Understanding the Laws of Success From the beginning of time, there have been laws set in motion that automatically bring their results when we act in relation to them. For example, when the law of gravity is at work, if you drop an orange, it will automatically fall to the ground. Another natural physical law states that ''a body in motion tends to stay in motion.'' Just as there are physical laws that govern the physical world, there are laws that govern success in our lives. These laws are just as real and just as binding as their physical counterparts. The trick is discovering these laws and putting them to work.

When we ''obey'' the laws of success, we will automatically reap the rewards of obedience to those laws.

Law Number 1: The Law of the Harvest

You've probably heard the old proverb or principle, ''what you sow is what you reap.'' We know that when we sow a grass seed, a grass seed will grow. An acorn will not grow an apple tree. Certain laws are in place that govern the actions of the elements. We can depend upon these laws. If we are not willing to sow the right seeds, we will not reap the desired harvest. The key to unlocking success is to learn the natural laws that govern success and use them to our advantage.

In order to understand Law Number 1: The Law of the Harvest, let's analyze the process of sowing and reaping and apply it to ourselves and our quest for success.

Step 1: Prepare the Ground

Before you start planting a garden, you must prepare the ground. You can't just throw some cucumber seeds out on your lawn and expect a harvest. First you must till the ground, pull out all the existing weeds and grass, and plow your rows. Some ways we ''prepare the ground'' for planting success in our lives or careers follow:

Step 2: Plant the Seed

If you till the ground but never plant the seeds, nothing will ever grow. "Planting" in life is DOING something about your plans and goals. It means taking action. We can never know if the seed we're holding is good unless we plant it - until we try it - until we work our plan.

Step 3: Patience

Should we pull up the flower periodically to see how the roots are growing? No, we must give things time to develop and grow before we give up on them. Many of us plant a seed, give it a few days and say, "Oh this is not a good seed. It's not growing anything." Our eyes cannot see under the dirt where the seed is starting to swell. So we get frustrated and dig it all up and plant another seed. Many people run from scheme to scheme, business to business, never giving anything time to grow and develop. Often we do this because we lack patience, but we also lack a clear picture of what we want. If we have a long-term view of what we want our garden to look like, we will be more patient in giving things time to grow.

Step 4: Nourish the Plant

Once you have tilled the ground, chosen the right seeds and planted them, and are being patient, can you just sit back, relax and wait for the harvest? No, there's more to be done. If we nourish our plant, it will take root and grow. If we neglect the plant and take no thought for its nourishment, it will not get any root. When the heat of the sun comes and scorches it, it will wither away because it has no root.

How can you "nourish your plant" or your plan for success?

In summary, by continually comparing our plans and goals to the "sewing and reaping" analogy we can gain further insights into how to continue down the road to success.

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Marnie L. Pehrson is an Internet strategist and writer who helps webmasters
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